
Dr. Bob Arnot's Guide to Turning Back the Clock【讓時間倒轉】 P.94-95


針對這個問題,我訪問過公眾利益中心的科學家,對此他們提供了一個解決方法,就是使用Vita-Mix全營養調理機。雖然電視購物有很多銷售很好的果汁機,但科學家們重申,這些機器不值得一買,因為他們將最有營養價值的果肉通通丟棄。通常自己榨的柳橙汁,丟棄的果肉中,含有三分之二的維他命C。若能保留果肉,將可以攝取到充足的維他命,而且不易造成血糖升高。原本我對此還有些懷疑,直到我見識到Vita-Mix全營養調理機的秘密武器---每分鐘37,000轉加上兩匹馬力,能迅速將果肉、纖維、甚至是籽,擊碎到非常綿細的狀態。一般的果汁機打出的顆粒較粗,有時難以下嚥。但Vita-Mix TNC全營養調理機可以打出綿密的口感。

Vita-Mix 的製造商表示,Vita-Mix全營養調理機可以保留全部的營養,而且可以釋放出比人體消化系統還要多的營養。經實驗證明,這台調理機可以將小麥胚芽打成與藥粉一樣細的顆粒。將帶皮的柳橙與葡萄柚用調理機打碎,所產生的果汁喝起來完全沒有顆粒與果渣。

榨汁的過程會將食物中上百種成份丟棄,其中最重要的一種就是植物化學素,這是預防疾病的重要元素。一顆蘋果含有389種植物化學素,若將果皮丟棄,將會損失許多營養。目前已有59種植物化學物質被發現可以保護細胞與解毒,但還有另外102,000種植物化學素的好處未被發現。現在許多專家都建議多攝取這些植物化學素。植物化學素號稱營養素中的菁華,在1990年代算是熱門的營養素。1993年一本醫學期刊 (The Lancent) 裡發表的研究顯示,有一種稱為「類生物黃鹼素」(bioflavonoid)的植物化學素,對荷蘭人的心臟疾病有預防的功用。使用Vita-Mix全食物調理機,您也可以為自己設計富含植物化學素的餐點。

【原文】Many men completely miss out on the five-a-day fruits and vegetables because they are hard to prepare and time-consuming to eat. They rely instead on supplements, because they're easy and fast.

I interviewed scientists at the Center for Science in the Public Interest about this problem, and they suggested a solution called the Vita-Mixer. I had visions of the juicers that have been so popular over the last several years on late-night TV. CSPI reiterated that these are essentially worthless because they leave behind the pulp, which contains most of the nutrients. If you squeeze your own orange juice, you leave two-thirds of the vitamin C behind in the pulp! Save the pulp and you get vitamins and much less rise in blood sugar. I remained skeptical until I saw the Vita-Mixer's secret --- a 37,000-rpm, nearly two-horsepower lawn mower-quality engine that can blast pulp, fiber, and even seeds into smithereens. Standard juicers leave juice so gritty you may find it unpleasant to drink The Vita-Mixer produces a smooth puree.

The manufacturer claims that all the nutrients are retained and that the machine liberates more of them than even our own digestive systems can. The machine blasted wheat germ into a pharmaceutical-grade power. It took oranges and grapefruits with their skins and ground them to the point that there were no seeds or rinds left. The smoothie had no grit, no pulp, no aftertaste.

The extraction process leaves behind hundreds of different components of real food, the most critical of which are called phytochemicals, key disease-prevention chemicals. An apple has 389 phytochemicals,. Leave out the skin and you miss many of those phytochemicals. So far, 59 phytochemicals have been identified as known cell protectors and setocifiers, but there are 102,000 more. Many experts recommend taking advantage of those phytochemicals now. Phytochemicals are called the quintessence of nutrition and may be hot new nutrients of the 1990s. A study reported in the medical journal The Lancet in 1993 showed that one class of phytochemicals, called bioflavenoids, protected Dutch men from heart disease. With the Vita-Mixer you can produce your own phytochemical-rich cocktails. Here are several sample recipes.

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